2015年12月29日 星期二

【Oracle ERP Note 】APP-FND-02913: User xxx : The Customer is linked to Customer: yyy (Customer ID) Ther Person is linked to Employee zzz (Employed = zzz) Customer and Employee must be linked to the same persion

在 EBS 新增 user,顯示錯誤訊息如下:

APP-FND-02913: User xxx : The Customer is linked to Customer: yyy (Customer ID) Ther Person is linked to Employee zzz (Employed = zzz) Customer and Employee must be linked to the same persion


參考網站 [1] ,

Error Message: 

CTGIMT008W: The account was added, but some attributes failed. 
Attributes: erOraEBSCust
The log file describes the error message as follows: 
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: APP-FND-02913: User user name: The Customer is linked to Customer customer name (Customer ID). The Person is linked to Employee employee name (Employee ID). 
Customer and Employee must be linked to the same person.

Recommended Action:

This error occurs when you specify different values for the Person and the Customer attributes. Ensure that values of both the attributes are same.


在 User 視窗,有個欄位 Customer, 更正其值的內容。此次解決刪除其內容


1. Troubleshooting the Oracle eBS Adapter errors, http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSTFWV_5.1.0/com.ibm.itim.doc/usr_oracleebs_5137.htm
