Oracle ERP Client 連線時,畫面呈現空白。檢查連線,Session Connection仍存在。
1. 找出 Alert Log
1.1以 proddba 登入
1.2 $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
1.3 $ locate alert_PROD.log 找出 Alert Log 路徑為/u01/app/diag/rdbms/prod/PROD/trace/alert_PROD.log
2. 檢查 Alert Log
輸入 $ tail -f alert_PROD.log 此時系統告知 ICX Table 容量不足,需擴充
ORA-1654: unable to extend index ICX.ICX_SESSIONS_N1 by 16 in tablespace ICXX
ORA-1654: unable to extend index ICX.ICX_SESSIONS_N1 by 16 in tablespace ICXX
ORA-1654: unable to extend index ICX.ICX_SESSIONS_N1 by 16 in tablespace ICXX
Mon May 04 14:54:16 2015
ORA-1654: unable to extend index ICX.ICX_SESSIONS_N1 by 16 in tablespace ICXX
以Oracle OEM 擴充 ICX Table容量如下圖所示:
或直接以下列指令擴充 ICX 容量:
ALTER TABLESPACE "ICXX" ADD DATAFILE '/u01/proddb/proddata/icxx02.dbf' SIZE 100M
1. 此現象發生而在調查原因時,曾發生shutdown AP server後,本機可連線,但其他 User 仍然無法連線,畫面空白,而懷疑 Http Server 有問題
2. 事實上,AP Shutdown / Startup 其 script 會自動 shutdown / startup Apache Server,此 Server 的路徑與 Red Hat Linux 安裝路徑無關 (Oracle ERP 自行定義包裝 Apache,有其自訂路徑)
3. 當初以 Oracle OEM 查看 ICX 容量並有 FULL 狀況,造成誤判,而未再查看 Alert Log,找出原因
1. ICX Table 紀錄 User Connection的連線紀錄,需定期清除
2. 檢查 Oracle Table 使用現況,預防後續類似事件發生
1. What is the Relationship Between the ICX_SESSIONS Table and the FND_LOGINS Table? (Doc ID 358823.1), https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=238337641632646&id=358823.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=1warpixej_4
2. Overview Of ORA-01654: Unable To Extend Index %s.%s By %s In Tablespace %s (Doc ID 146595.1), Overview Of ORA-01654: Unable To Extend Index %s.%s By %s In Tablespace %s (Doc ID 146595.1)
“Those who are in love with practice without knowledge are like the sailor who gets into a ship without rudder or compass and who never can be certain [where] he is going. Practice must always be founded on sound theory.” by Leonardo da Vinci
2015年5月4日 星期一
【Oracle ERP Note 】Oracle ERP Cleint 連線時,畫面呈現空白
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