Shut Down Cost Manager
1. 以 Super User 權限,至 System Administration > Concurrent > Requests 路徑
2. 在 Find Request 視窗中,Name 欄位輸入 Cost Manager,Select the Number of Days to View 輸入 9999 (此欄位只是篩選資料,無特殊意義),再按 Find
我們也可用下列的 script,找出特定的 Request ID:
SELECT request_id RequestId,
request_date RequestDt, concurrent_program_name,
phase_code Phase,
status_code Status FROM
fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
WHERE fcp.application_id = 702 AND
fcp.concurrent_program_name in ('CMCTCM', 'CMCMCW', 'CMCACW') AND
fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND
fcr.program_application_id = 702 AND fcr.phase_code <> 'C'
3. 此時顯示 Cost Manager 目前狀態是 Pending,所以按 Cancel Request,但注意在 Cancel 前,先以 View Details 查看這個 JOB 當初設定的內容,待後續若要啟動相同的 Cost Manager 會用到
4. 此 Job 被 Cancel 後, Phase 狀態更新為 Completed,而 Status 狀態更新為 Cancelled
Start Up Cost Manager
1. 以 Super User 權限,至 INV > Setup > Transactions > Interface Managers 路徑
2. 點選 Cost Manager 此欄,再點選表單 Tools > Launch Manager
3. 此時出現即將要 submit 此 Job 的視窗,在 Submit 前,請注意 Language 與 Schedule 的設定是否要修改
4. 設定完畢之後,按 Submit,此時會建立一個新的 Job ,而其Phase 狀態更新為 Pending,而 Status 狀態更新為 Scheduled
1. How to Cancel Cost Manager (CMCTCM ) and Relaunch It (Doc ID 373207.1),
“Those who are in love with practice without knowledge are like the sailor who gets into a ship without rudder or compass and who never can be certain [where] he is going. Practice must always be founded on sound theory.” by Leonardo da Vinci
2015年7月22日 星期三
【Oracle ERP Note 】Shutdown 與 Launch EBS 的 Cost Manager
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